有效的训练对于降低涉及血液的事件而暴露于有害病原体的风险很重要。根据CFR 1910.1030(g)(2),OSHA需要为每位员工进行血源性病原体培训,您合理地预期,由于履行其工作职责,您可以合理地预期与血液或其他潜在感染物质接触。


bloodborne pathogen training

You can expect to cover:

  • 什么是血源性疾病及其传播方式
  • 适当处理血液和其他体液以降低感染的风险
  • Safe and effective BBP removal and clean up techniques
  • 审查有效的暴露控制计划


  • 定制CINTAS培训专家,讨论您的特定培训需求
  • Choose from a mix of over 250 classroom and online training courses
  • Ask about our online safety management tool to help with tracking, written programs and chemical management
  • 服务如何运作
    Contact a Cintas training specialist to discuss your specific training needs
  • 服务如何运作
    Choose from a mix of over 250 classroom and online training courses
  • 服务如何运作
    Ask about our online safety management tool to help with tracking, written programs and chemical management
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CFR 1910.1030 (g)(2)(i): (b)(k

"Employers shall ensure that all employees with occupational exposure participate in a training program which must be provided at no cost to the employee."

CFR 1910.1030 (g)(2)(ii)(a): (b)(k

"At the time of initial assignment."

CFR 1910.1030 (g)(2)(ii)(b): (b)(k

"At least annually thereafter."