Treating Burns

首先,停止烧伤,以免受伤恶化。用水或毯子窒息火焰。如果您的衣服着火了,请使用停止,掉落和滚动方法将火焰扑灭。不要跑 - 这不会窒息火焰,燃烧可能会恶化。立即寻求严重烧伤的医疗护理。

Next, assess the injury. Remove any clothing or jewelry at the site of the burn. If clothing is stuck to the burn, cut around the burn to remove the loose fabric but do not remove the stuck fabric. Look for other injuries that may have occurred during the burn, such as bruises or scrapes from reacting to the burn or attempting to put the fire out.


To treat minor burns at home:

- Cool the burn by running it under cool water or using a damp cloth

- Loosely cover the burn using sterile gauze

- Take frequent cool showers or baths

- Apply soothing aloe vera lotions

- 服用非处方止痛药


  • On-site assessment to discuss fire protection solutions for your business*
  • Customized service dates that fit your busy schedule*
  • Routine testing, inspection and maintenance of your fire protection equipment*
  • How the Service Works
    On-site assessment to discuss fire protection solutions for your business*
  • How the Service Works
    Customized service dates that fit your busy schedule*
  • How the Service Works
    Routine testing, inspection and maintenance of your fire protection equipment*
*Certain services may not be available in all markets
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